Thursday, March 18, 2010


i was not hired to be the full time receptionist. the recession happened and it was this or no job. i am sooo bored answering the phone in the same way - other than the "good morning/good afternoon" switch - that i think i'll spice it up a bit...

choice #1: use a british accent - mine is damn good.

choice #2: answer sounding like i'm pissed off, or at least too good to be answering the phone, or maybe indifferent like i just don't care, which is how many receptionists sound when i call different places

choice #3: pretend like i'm a one for this, two for that, three for ??? for operator...yeah, i'll still have to talk to them, but at least it will break up the MONOTONY!!!

unfortunately i still need my job...for just a few more weeks hopefully. after i pass my state boards - and i find another job - i think i might try one of these know, when i really am a short-timer here...

and as always, i'm open for suggestions.

side note: yes, i am thankful that i still have a job after all that went down a couple of years ago. i know many people who were not as fortunate as me, including my ex-husband who i was still married to at the time. so please, take it in the intonation it is intended...

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